Question to the expert: “I want to return my beloved”

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Does it make sense to spend strength on a person who does not want to take responsibility for his life and, moreover, does not recognize the seriousness of your relationship? You can get stuck in these feelings, or you can, having survived them, start moving on.

“He went to another – said that he fell in love, but I do not believe. His new girlfriend is from the hospital where he was treated for another binge, 5 years older than him and with an adult child. I consider our meeting fateful, we understood each other without words, were like on one wave. I met him for 3 years, but we have known each other from the age of 13. At first everything was fine, then the “hospitals” went, now he says that I could not “pull it out” and that I was naive and “just friend” (there were problems with alcohol before our meeting). And I believe that he just left the problems, did not want to fight with himself and found the one with which “easier”. We parted many times, but only now I realized how much he means for me. I am very worried, the world literally collapsed “.Diana_kash, 31 years old

Natalya Demyankova, family psychologist:

“You have tried to help this man get rid of addiction for a long time, but now you can only hear the accusations that you could not“ pull ”him from problems with alcohol. At the same time, it must be understood that getting rid of dependence is primarily its task;You can only support it, but nothing more. Willpower, the desire to cope with the disease, take life into your own hands – all this should go from him, and not from you. He simply transfers responsibility for you for his own failures. Apparently, he really, as you write, left the problems and did not want to fight with himself;but, unfortunately, it is not in your power to force him to fight. It seems to me to try to act somehow in order to regain a former relationship is an ungrateful strategy: you have fought so much in these relations;But your forces are not endless. Maybe you should spend them on something else-and on someone else? This man says that you are “just a friend” for him – does it make sense to spend strength on a person who does not want to take responsibility for his life and, moreover, does not recognize the seriousness of your relationship? Of course, it is

very painful for you because of the gap, but you can get stuck in these feelings, or you can, having survived them, start moving on. “.

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